
🚧 🔨 🦺 ⚙️ 🏗️ 🔩 🔧 🧱 👷 🚧

Emoji Hacks 👺

Did you know you can apply font styling to Emoji? 😎
For example, you can make an Emoji italic 😎 or use underline 😎. They also size with your text. You can actually make Emoji as big as you like!

Or combine Emoji with a so called 'zero-width joiner' to create new ones!
👩 Woman + zero-width joiner + 🏫 School = 👩‍🏫 Female Teacher. Or use the 🐱 Cat and Rocket 🚀 to create 🐱‍🚀.

Emoji are so much fun!

Read more on https://blog.emojipedia.org/fun-emoji-hacks/.

🚧 🔨 🦺 ⚙️ 🏗️ 🔩 🔧 🧱 👷 🚧

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